Izvēlieties valodu
Izvēlieties valodu
Par mani
Charming, educated and insatiable young woman is looking for a strong and caring gentleman to fulfill each other's ''wet'' dreams ;) I have a beautiful face, soft skin, refined breast, long legs and a juicy ass which needs to be slapped and caressed.. We can meet in a bar to have a drink and a nice conversation first and if we have 'the connection' as well, i invite you to a little cozy apartment where you will be able to relax and have your best time with a seductive touch of a sexy lioness.. ;)
  • Orientācija neesmu izlēmis
  • Attiecību statuss šķīries
  • Miesasbūve parasts
  • Svars, kg 50
  • Augums, cm 164
  • Valodas angļu, krievu
Es meklēju
Iepazīsies priekš
Seksā mīlu
  • Biedrs kopš 20.01.23
  • Profila skatījumi 1414
  • Publisks/privāts foto 0/1
  • Publiski/privāti video 0/0