29 gadi
Riga, Latvija
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms nedēļas
28 gadi
Sveiki. Vai vēlaties izbaudīt labu masāžu? Nāc un izbaudi, sākot ar glāstiem uz kājām, tad dziļākiem un spēcīgākiem glāstiem uz cirkšņa, slidinot roku, lai stingri satvertu savu biedru, atslābinoši pieskārieni mugurai un kaklam. Tālāk masējiet ķermeņa priekšējo daļu. Es varu palīdzēt izmest spermu beigās, ar roku. Būs ļoti patīkami. Bet seksa nebūs. Rakstiet man un izbaudiet patīkamu masāžu.
Hi. Do you want to enjoy a good massage? Come and enjoy, starting with caresses on the legs, then deeper and stronger caresses on the groin, sliding your hand to firmly grasp your member, relaxing touches on the back and neck. Next, massage the front part of the body. I can help throw the sperm at the end, with my hand. It will be very pleasant. But there will be no sex. Write to me and enjoy a pleasant massage.
Hi. Do you want to enjoy a good massage? Come and enjoy, starting with caresses on the legs, then deeper and stronger caresses on the groin, sliding your hand to firmly grasp your member, relaxing touches on the back and neck. Next, massage the front part of the body. I can help throw the sperm at the end, with my hand. It will be very pleasant. But there will be no sex. Write to me and enjoy a pleasant massage.