M膿s esam bez pieredzes, dz墨ves priec墨gs, norm膩li nodrošin膩ts, gatavs jaun膩m sajut膩m p膩ris: V29/190/108 un S29/173/70.
Nesteidz墨gi mekl膿jam l墨dz墨gi dom膩jošo p膩ri - dz墨vespriec墨gu, jauku, gatavu jaunam pieredz膿m un pieredzes apmain膩m.

, 29/29 y.o.
Riga, Latvia
Last visit: 3 days ago
About myself
- Orientation hetero
- Body Type average
- Weight , kg 108
- Height, cm 190
- Partner weight, kg 70
- Partner height, cm 173
- Languages latvian, english, russian
Meet with
Dating purpose
Love in sex
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- Member since 06.01.24
- Profile visits 4808
- Public/private photos 4/2
- Public/private videos 0/0
- Content rating 49